
One Day of Prolon

Sharing the Good!

Prolon Reset meal with soup, crackers, olives and teach on dishes on table.

Maybe fIve days of “fasting” sounds like it’s more than you want to take on right now.  I get that.  But I bet you could do ONE day! If you think you can and you’re ready to try it, I have a few questions for you to think about:

  • What’s your WHY?  Why is doing The one day Prolon Reset important to you?  What do you hope will be different for you after you do it?  How do you think it will support your health and wellbeing?
  • What day do you want to plan your Reset for?  Look at your calendar and choose a day that is fairly easy without too many demands on your schedule and energy. If you haven’t already ordered your one day Reset kit, you can go to my Prolon products page to get it. You want to make sure you already have the kit before you schedule your Reset day on your calendar. You get to choose from four different varieties (soup flavors).
Inside the Prolon Reset Kit you see the contents of what you eat during the day including soups, a bar, olives, teas and supplements.

You Get Results in Just One Day!

  • Metabolic health
  • Complete 1-day program
  • Remain in a physiological fasting state
  • Get your mind & body back on track
  • Breakdown fat and use it as fuel
Trifold brochure describing benefits of Prolon and the One Day Reset

What’s Inside the One Day Reset?

Soups: A variety of easy-to-prepare soups made with a proprietary mix of all-natural, plant-based ingredients

Nut Bars: Cold-pressed, delicious nut bars with whole ingredients like almonds, macadamia nuts, and pecans

Snacks: Snacks like olives from the South of Spain where olive consumption is associated with longevity, and kale crackers enriched with plant-based protein.

Supplements: Dietary supplement packed with multivitamins, amino-acids, minerals and omega-3 fatty acid to provide the body with nourishment

Herbal Teas: Caffeine-free herbal teas loaded with healthy antioxidants, and will keep you hydrated during your week.

I’m Here for You!

Would you like to have an information session with me to discuss any questions you have and get more information about the science of this product and how it works? I really believe that you will have a better experience if you know more about what to expect and have some time to prepare.  If you want to connect, please let me know a few good times for you.

Ready to Start? Order your Reset HERE!

I plan to do my next Reset on Tuesday, March 12. Do you want to join me? Let me know!

Check out more about Prolon on my Prolon page and my other Prolon posts!

Sharing the Good!

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