Prolon logo with vegetables and fruits


Sharing the Good!

As of November 2024, I have successfully completed 27 rounds of Prolon!  In this post I’m going to share some basic information and resources about what Prolon is, why I do it, how to do it and what’s hard about it.  After reading all of this, if you are interested in ordering Prolon, you can access my sales page HERE.

Disclaimer: While I am a Registered Nurse with a B.S. and M.S. in Nursing, as well as several plant-based nutrition courses and certifications, I am not a Physician or Registered Dietician and am not prescribing or recommending Prolon for medical benefits. If you are interested in using the Prolon 5 Day Program, you should make sure to speak with your physician in advance to discuss any medical implications and make sure you do not have any medical or health issues that preclude you from using Prolon. Prolon is not consider a treatment, and any purchases are non-refundable. In planning to use Prolon, I advise you to get familiar with the science behind it, and learn about the best and safest ways to do the program before beginning the actual program. Prolon offers coaching groups which provide excellent guides.  I will also be leading a group in the future.

What is Prolon?

Prolon is a 5 Day “Fasting Mimicking Diet” (FMD) program, that essentially tricks your body into thinking it’s in a fasting state. Prolon was designed by Dr. Valter Longo and is based on It comes in a big box containing five smaller boxes, one for each day, that contain everything you will eat over the five days. This evidence-based program was created by Dr. Valter Longo based on more than 20 years of clinical studies, research and development.

Box of Prolon on kitchen island
Ingredients in the prolon kit including tea, soup, olives and supplements
Prolon ingredients include soup in a bowl, crackers and olives on a plate

Why I do Prolon

I first learned about Prolon from listening to Dr. Joel Kahn, Heart Doc VIP podcast. I’ve been a faithful listener of Dr. Kahn’s podcast for over five years.  He is an integrative cardiologist that is also vegan.  Dr. Kahn is current on scientific research and evidence-based practice.  When he shared that despite his whole food plant-based vegan diet, he has always tended to be on the “zaftig” side. Prolon helps him keep his weight in check. He understands the science behind this Fast Mimicking Diet created by Dr. Valter Longo of the USC Longevity Institute. Despite my own very nutritious plant-based diet, I have a big appetite but a very petite stature, and I have always worked hard to maintain a healthy weight. His positive testimony convinced me to try Prolon. I did my first round in September 2019.

I am very committed to a lifestyle that supports healthy aging and longevity. Prolon is the only nutrition program patented for promoting longevity, healthspan, and protecting lean body mass.

How to “Do” Prolon

  • Is Prolon for you?
  • Order the 5-Day kit from my Prolon products page
  • Learn About the Program
  • Join a Coach-lead Group
  • Choose your start date. I recommend joining a coach-lead group, especially on your first round of Prolon
  • Stay tuned! I’ll be starting a coaching group soon. Let me know if you’re interested in participating!

More Prolon Information

Start with these resources:

Prolon Pros and Cons


  • The science and research indicates multiple probable benefits
  • No cooking (for yourself) which may result in freeing up a lot of extra time you normally spend shopping for food and preparing meals
  • It’s only five days
  • Possible weight loss


  • You’re usually hungry
  • You may have to wean off of caffeine intake
  • Price – Prolon is not cheap. But you probably spend at least that much on food and drink in 5 days so it may end up saving you money.  It is an investment in your health!
  • It’s challenging to participate in social events involving food. That may include preparing meals for your family and household
  • You need to limit your exercise.

More Questions?

Email me!

Ready to Plunge into Prolon?

Click HERE to purchase Prolon products at special pricing for my clients. Purchase the Prolon 5-Day Program and receive Dr. Longo’s book, The Longevity Diet while supplies last!

Join a Prolon Coaching Group with me!

Sharing the Good!

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